What is the first piece of literature to be banned on Canadian soil?

How many titles were banned in Canada for “obscenity” in the year 1949?

What novel was banned by a Montreal judge in 1960, despite the protestations of expert witness Hugh MacLennan and Morley Callaghan?

What law prohibited the importation of “books and drawings of an immoral or indecent character”?

What classic novel was banned in Canada from 1923 until 1949, when Maclean’s magazine raised a fuss about it?

What organization was established in 1921 to advocate for the freedom of speech of authors and journalists both in Canada and internationally?

The Freedom of Expression Committee of the Book and Periodical Council was launched in 1978 after which book by Alice Munro came under attack by would-be censors?

What iconic Canadian author, whose books have frequently appeared on high school English curriculums over the years, found herself battling objections from parents and religious groups over and over again in the 1970s and 80s?

Which section of the Canadian Criminal Code, introduced in 1919 in response to the Winnipeg General Strike, called for up to 20 years in prison for “Any person... who shall sell, speak, write or publish anything as the representative or professed representative of any such unlawful association..shall be guilty of an offense...”

What 1933 play was about Canadian Communist activist Tim Buck and his persecution under the authority of Section 98?